Every 2nd Thursday of the month we hold a lunch at La Parra restaurant in Los Boliches, it starts at around 13:30, the cost is 7.50€, please ring 652 537 615 for further details, note places are limited.
On the 18th March at 11:00 we will be holding an open day at La Cala town hall in conjunction with the Mijas foreigners department, we’ll be giving a presentation about the help and support we can offer and also be asking for additional volunteers for additional details please call 652 537 615.
On the 28th of March we’re holding a Fish and Chip supper at La Parra restaurant in Los Boliches it starts at 19:00. The cost is 10€ of which half goes to the charity.
We’ll also be holding various events on the night including a free quiz. Places are limited for additional details and to make a reservation please ring 652 537 615.