Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur - December 2012 Update


tel: (0034) 634 315 289


email: [email protected]


As I write this, Christmas is approaching; in four weeks’ time it will all be over although Reyes Magos will still be in the Spanish children´s expectations. Whilst the sun is out, the weather has definitely cooled down; not that it gets that cold in our part of Spain, but try living here if you heating fails. Yes it definitely is cold; so think about your friends and neighbours; are they OK? Do they have enough logs in? Are their gas bottles handy for them to swap over?


And while in this season of Goodwill, have you thought about giving an hour or two of your time to help others in need that have contacted Age Concern? There are also other ways of helping Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur; we are in need of “friends”. A Friend is a person who does not necessarily want to play an active role in the work of the charity but who supports its aims and objectives.


It need not cost a fortune to become a friend of Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur; give whatever you can afford. It will help us maintain the services we already run or envisage running in the future. There are benefits of being a friend; you will receive routine updates on what we’re doing and discounts on our events. To contact us, use our Lifeline telephone number: 634 315 289, or email us at [email protected].


Remember our pages on , and and regular updates in Baywatch and the e-zine. Thanks to you all for your support.


Lastly, let us know if there’s anything we can do for you, or your neighbours. We are not mind readers, we can´t start helping you until you ring us or email us. All calls for help are responded to as soon as we can; we are not an emergency service, for that ring 112.

Dave Fisher
Press Officer

Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur

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