Age Concern Ibiza y Formentera, February 2014 Newsletter

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AC Estepona death of volunteerIN MEMORY

It was with sadness that we learned of the deaths of two friends. Jean Sanders suddenly whilst on a visit to Ibiza, mother of Tony Cox. We learned of this too late to publish in the last edition,. Florence Owen, a frequent visitor, shortly before Christmas, from cancer bravely borne. We send to their families and friends our sympathy and prayers.



Age Concern: During this past year Age Concern Ibiza & Formentera are proud to have helped over 70 people on the Island in one way or another. We aim to help with Information, advice & support in English for accompanied hospital/doctor visits.

Help/information: with application forms, residencia, social services and other legal paperwork, wherever possible or “signposting” people to the right organisation so they can get the appropriate help for their needs.

Care Equipment: We have a range of care equipment that can be borrowed for people who are experiencing difficulties. We have wheelchairs, walking frames, bath chairs, bath seats, raised toilet seats, crutches and other useful vital equipment. The equipment is well maintained and replaced when necessary. There is no charge for the loan of the equipment but donations are gratefully received.

Volunteer IconBut our on the ground resources are very thin ,and we would welcome any person who is prepared to give up a bit of their time to act as a volunteer, even, if it is only to drive people to their Doctors/Hospital appointment, or even better to translate for them.

If anyone is interested, I would be grateful if they could contact me on 971 347 641.

A little of your time could go a long way in helping others.

Many Thanks.
Tony Curtis
Age Concern Ibiza & Formentera



Age Concern shortlisted as Charity of the Year for its work in Spain:

Age Concern Espana’s work in helping English-speaking older people through local support and its national Casework Service has been recognized at the prestigious European Diversity Awards event held in London on Thursday 26th September 20l3.

The European Diversity Awards honour individuals, companies and community groups throughout Europe who have excelled in the field of diversity.

Age Concern was one of eight charities from around Europe, which had been shortlisted for their excellence in embracing and celebrating difference and diversity. Judy Arnold-Boakes, President of ACASA, the national service providing arm of Age Concern Espana said “Through our Casework service, we help older people who fall on hard times to get back on track, We don’t judge anyone – our trained Casework Volunteers help older people from all walks of life who are having to manager very difficult circumstances, often caused by unforeseen changes such as ill-health, financial problems and isolation”.

Age Concern was one of two Spanish charities short-listed for the awards, the other being Apoyo Positivo , a Madrid based organization which helps people with information and support about Aids. The winner was the UK’s Amy Winehouse Foundation, which helps to prevent the effects of alcohol and drug misuse amongst young people. Eileen Dry, President of Age concern Espana said “We are honoured that our national and local work has been recognized, we are a small organization which does a very big job.

The European Diversity Awards helps to publicise our work worldwide, and the contribution of all our volunteers who work so hard on behalf of older English-speaking people living in Spain.



A Bring & Buy has been arranged for the 20th February at The Old Smugglers Inn, Cala de Bou, 12o’clock start. The event is advertised in The Ibiza Sun so please support us. There will be bric a brac, a cake and home produce stall and tombola.

Donations of cakes etc would be much appreciated and you can ring Lyn Carpenter on 971 034 6094 to let her know. Who knows, you might find that much wanted treasure.

Gala Dinner: Enquiries are in land for a Gala Dinner and details will appear in the Ibiza Sun as soon as available.

easter fayreEaster Fayre: Margaret Nawaz will be holding her Easter Fayre in San Rafael on the l9th April from which half the proceeds will come to Age Concern. Any items you wish to give please contact her on 971 196 394. Again your support would be appreciated.


Christmas Lunch: Our annual Christmas Lunch at Can Truy was a great success. The food was up to its usual high standard , served with the minimum of fuss and thanks go to all who helped make the day so enjoyable. We must not forget the children of Morna Valley (brave to stand in front of so many) who sang their little hearts out, with obvious enjoyment.

They were rewarded by a visit from Father Christmas handing them a gift (how does he find the time with such a busy schedule?).



Internet Access:

Our website has now been updated which outlines what we offer. You can access this by entering ageconcernibiza&formentera or by This will give you access to Age concern Espana which if you follow the links shows you what you might need to know.

Talking Books: We regret that due to lack of response we have had to cancel this service.

Documentation: Please ensure that your documentation is up to date, as it saves a lot of frustration in the long run.



We would like to thank the Concord Lodge 66 who have apparently selected Age Concern Ibiza y Formentera as their chosen charity. Please let’s show them our support. You can access their website by clicking here.


And finally:

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it” - “George Elliston”

D.Facey Thorne
[email protected]

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